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One of the longest running independent gaming news, reviews and culture sites on the web.

Gaming Trend has been a steady independent voice for game journalism since we launched in 2004. Our volunteer staff of dedicated gamers gives our site a strong and enthusiastic voice, and we are always looking for new ways to delight and engage our readers. We cover all platforms of video games, all kinds of tabletop games, gear, accessories, music, events, comics and more. Our editors attend E3, PAX, Gen Con, Origins, San Diego Comic Con, SXSW and more, bringing unique original coverage to our readers.

Some numbers:

  • Gaming Trend averages 550,000-600,000 unique pageviews a month.
  • We’ve published over 40,000 posts, with over 6,000 of them being reviews
  • Our Facebook page has nearly 6,000 followers, Twitter nearly 9,000, and Youtube channel has over 10,000 subscribers

Our advertising pledge:

In today’s world of auto-start videos and content blocking takeovers, we prefer our ads to complement rather than supersede the content our readers come here for. To that end, our primary ad placements are more traditional in nature, and we carefully curate who advertises with us, ensuring that our readers are served ads that truly interest them. We are especially happy to work with independent publishers and Kickstarter campaigns to help get the word out.

Ad placements:

Leaderboards: These ads appear on every page of the site and forum and scale according to screen size. Creative should be provided in the following sizes: 970×90, 728×90, 468×60, and 320×50.

Medium rectangle: This ad appears on the index and all article pages and does not scale according to screen size. Creative should be 300×250.


Swag, goodies, freebies, “Collector’s Editions”, gift cards, beta invites, free games, bouncy balls with flashing lights, T-Shirts, and more – freebies come in many names and flavors, and everyone loves them.  We want to help you support your product with these giveaways and we are willing to go the extra mile for our readers to get those items in their hands.  We can work with you to tailor a contest or random give-away that not only engages the community, but excites them about your product.  Whether it be a treasure hunt or picking a name out of a hat, Gaming Trend knows what gamers want.  Let us help you generate the hype – we are good at that.

We are constantly working on new ways to serve our advertisers AND our readers. If you are interested in working with us, please contact us!

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